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Information For Dog Owners

Dates to Know

  • Licensing Period is July 1st through June 30th
  • Renewal month is June


Spayed/Neutered $8.00
Unspayed/Unneutered $19.00
10-tag Kennel $53.00
Transfer from another CT Town $  1.00
Replacement for Lost Current tag $  .50
Per month penalty for Late licensing $ 1.00

License Requirements

  1. Must apply within 30 days of puppy turning six months of age, or upon obtaining a new dog.
  2. You must have a current rabies certificate.
  3. You must have a certificate of spaying/neutering, if applicable.
Where to Apply
Town Clerk's Office
505 Silas Deane Highway
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(860) 721-2830
Office Hours
Mon.–Fri. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

To Register by Mail

To register your dog by mail send a certificate of alteration and a current rabies certificate with the appropriate fees to the Town Clerk's office. These papers will be returned to you with you dog license in your stamped, self addressed return envelope. By State Statute you are required to register your pet each June. If the rabies certificate has expired we will need to see a new certificate of current rabies. After the first rabies vaccine, which is for one year, subsequent rabies vaccines are usually for three years.

Did You Know…

Dog licensing is a State of Connecticut mandate under the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture.

There are State Statutes and Town Ordinances that you should be aware of as a dog owner. Some of them are listed them here for your convenience.

  • State Statute 53-247 says that you, as a pet owner or keeper, must provide food, water, and shelter for your pet. The animal must have shelter from elements when left out of doors. This law also covers animals left in vehicles. Please do not take your pet where it will have to wait for you in your vehicle. This is a definite health risk for an animal. Violation carries a mandatory court appearance!
  • State Statute 22-363 says it is a violation for any dog to bark to excess or to create a disturbance or by such barking become an annoyance. Violation carries a $60 fine for the first offense and a mandatory court appearance for each subsequent offense!
  • State Statute 22-364 makes it a violation for any dog to roam at large on any property of another. Violation carries a $77 fine!
  • Chapter 70 of the Wethersfield Town Code addresses specific issues, including roaming dogsfeces removal; restraint of guard dogs and special requirements for vicious or dangerous dogs.